
Saved link: Otaku’s dream

This website is ideal for you if you are a stepmania player and Japanese cartoon lover. Their home page is http://www.otakusdream.com/.

Otaku is a Japanese word, written as お宅, which originally means home. Now on the internet, it refers to some cartoon, comic, or/and pc game lovers, who always stay at home enjoying themselves in those things.

But, this website is not a place to share cartoon, comic, or pc game informations or downlaod links. As I said, it’s a place for stepmania players. If you have ever played DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) games, you might have heared of a free DDR simulator stepmania. After installing it, you can add your own songs and play them. Otaku’s dream provides many packages of the songs for stepmania users. As you can imaging, those songs come from Japanese cartoons. On their homepage, you can see 7 different series, which are Anime Mixes, Instrumental Mixes, Video Game Mixes, Hentai Mix, Japan Mix, Touhou Mix, and Special Mix. The titles have clear meaning, exept for Hentai and Touhou. Hentai might be 変態. And is Touhou 東方? I’m still confused. Whatever, as a dancepad player, I recommand the Anime Mixes, which have 5 releases now. The beta version of the 6th release is available now, but I’m waiting for the formal release. Most songs in these releases are designed for pad players, while in the other series too few songs can be played on a pad. Those are designed for keyboard players, one need 4 legs to play them on a pad. If I have to use my fingers to play, I would like to spend the time on some real instrument. What’s more, there are also some individial releases there. I downloaded some, played, and like them. But, some songs in the individual releases might be adult only. Here I mean the video or the background sound, not the music. (Actually I don’t understant the lyrics because in Japanese.) So if you want to play together with kids, check them by yourself before the game.

They also have a forum. Since I didn’t register, I cannot say anything about it.



Dinner party

最近很忙很疲惫。昨天做了一个presentation,下周还有一个。本来这些都应该在二月份做完的,因为我人在多伦多,结果都拖到现在了。还有摘要要提交,还有作业,等等。 昨天晚上我们组的人出去吃了个饭,在一家韩国饭店。虽然是在东方风格的饭店,吃饭的方式却还是西式的。就是各人点自己的菜自己吃。我只叫了一个汤,因为里面有肉,有菜,有豆腐。我可不想叫一盘孜然牛肉,守着他自己一个人吃完。不过这家韩国店的味道一般,没有我在加州时尝过的那家“韩国豆腐”好。以前我室友搬走的时候,也到这家店吃过饭。点的是一份羊肉火锅。味道比这次好些。其实我是很喜欢朝鲜咸菜的。可惜在长春经常吃到的桔梗、蕨菜之类的,这边都没有。只有辣白菜、腌萝卜。这大概是因为缺乏材料的缘故吧。 这次出来吃饭,是因为我老板的生日和我的生日都快到了。我老板的生日就比我早一天。另外还给一个同组的朋友补过生日。我们每人都收到一张生日卡,上面有其他人的祝福。大家都是用自己的母语写的。我只能看懂英语和一点儿日语。(其实日语只能看懂几句。)其他的像德语和俄语就不懂了。上次过生日的时候还有意大利的朋友在,还写了意大利语呢。 都说德国人很严谨,我本来以为德国人都是很严肃的。但是我们组的德国人,包括我老板,都很喜欢开玩笑。说话的时候经常打岔,或者用写夸张的词,要不然就模仿一些搞笑的动作。有时候这给我带来困难。因为我的英语勉强可以理解符合逻辑的对话,一旦超出常规之外,就有些困难了。不过,轻松一点儿的气氛还是不错的。




早上来到实验室,看到giveaway of the day 发布了一个什么杀毒软件。心里想不错啊,可以免费当两年正式版的用户。于是就安装了。之后自然是全面扫描一遍系统,查出了一些“threats”。我看了一下,多半是cookies,还有些不知道什么东西,就点了“清除”。然后无线网络连接就再也激活不了了。没办法,用去年8月做的备份恢复了一下系统。当时的杀毒软件是avg free edition 8.0,现在这个已经没有支持了,我就升级到8.5版。然后发现,虽然可以分配到ip,但是网页一概打不开,QQ却可以连上。于是我又重新恢复了一次系统。这次没有升级avg,网页就可以打开。然后升级avg,网页就打不开了。甚至avg的update都不能联上它自己的server。把avg删除掉,又可以上网了。终于搞清除原因在哪里了。于是把杀毒软件换回小红伞,一切正常了。小红伞也不错,就是每次升级病毒库,都弹出一个广告页,怪烦的。AVG本来很理想,在我的另一台电脑上也工作很好,不知道为何在这台电脑上出问题。这时已经三点多了。也没心思干活。一狠心,干脆把应用软件升级一下,重新做个备份吧。上次那个都9个月了。于是乎就做了下面Logfile里面的那些事情。干完已经6点儿多了。一天就这么过去了。想一想都是早上装那个什么软件惹的。早知道就响应党中央的号召,不折腾了。 Logfile: Updated the following programs ie 8.0 Maxima 5.17.0 Scilab 5.1.1 SynToy 2.0 Avira wps 20 years edition Install the following programs (older version) Scilab 4.1.2 Stormcodec 7.01 Gsview 4.9 Flashget 1.73 7zip 4.57 Made the following setting iso files can be automatic loaded into virsual drive when double clicked bmp, jpg, gif files are linked to FSViewer pdf files are linked to PdfXviewer Something for...