

目前显示的是 八月, 2009的博文


无意之中发现,《名侦探柯南》的作者青山冈昌和声优高山南已经离婚了。我还记得当初他们结婚的那个月,柯南的片尾曲换成了《六月新娘》这首歌,还有画面上穿着白色婚纱的小兰和风中飞舞的樱花瓣。那也就是三年前的事情吧,竟然这么快就离婚了。 他们离婚已经是好久以前的事情。好像当时大家还担心《柯南》会不会因此完结了。然而画的还在画,配的也还在配。成年人的世界了,感情的分分和和不过是平常的事情,有几个人会为了这些事情要死要活的呢,尤其是像青山和高山这样的大忙人啊。 我常常回忆起自己小的时候。那时候感情很细腻,读一本书、看一场电影都很投入。阳光很温暖的倾泻下来,我坐在窗台上看书,每一天都很长很长。然后就感叹岁月催人老啊,现在的生活好乏味啊,心灵的小花都枯萎了啊。然而平心而论,可能就是那个时候太闲了吧。 现世安稳、岁月静好,是人们常说的祝福话。我想那种感觉,大概就像童年时阳光的温暖。阳光想必还是那道阳光,人却已不是那个人了。就算我还能坐在窗台上,心里面大概想的是明天要做什么事,今天有多少事没做完。就像我现在一边在敲着这个,一边还在自责,怎么不好好干活呢?于是日子就这样一天一天的过。已经是大人了啊。


菜谱来自网络,并经过本人改良。 材料:三文鱼、豆腐、粉丝、鸡蛋、油,料酒,醋,葱,姜,花椒,干红辣椒,大料,酱油,盐,冰糖 1)三文鱼切块,豆腐切块,粉丝泡软。将一或两个鸡蛋打散在碗里。 2)大火将锅烧热。先用姜片把锅底抹一遍,然后加入适量油。(比炒菜多些,但也不需要太多。)然后,将鱼块在鸡蛋中粘一下,再放入锅中,炸至两面金黄后,捞出备用。同样的方法把豆腐也炸一下,捞出备用。 3)将锅洗净,加水烧开。加入鱼块、豆腐、适量料酒,醋,葱,姜,花椒,干红辣椒,大料,酱油,盐,冰糖。炖二十分钟即可。起锅前十分钟可加入粉丝。临起锅可加入葱姜末。

Pay attention to the tax when you shop on ebay

Today I finally bought a kindle DX on ebay, after struggling so many days. Of course, I bought from the seller who asks for the cheapest price, but when I paid for it, I found I was charged 28 dallors for tax. I was quite surprised. I did read the discription carefully, which doesn’t mention the tax. I checked the location of the item, not in michigan. Why do I need to pay the tax? Finally, on the shipping and payment page, I found an anouncement about the “sale tax”, which says “Seller charges sales tax in multiple states”. Click on it, a table shows up and one can see people in michigan is charged 6% of the price for tax. I didn’t notice it, didn’t even have the idea to check it when I placed the order. My heart was broken! =_=! But the seller did ask for a cheap price. Even with the tax, I just paided 10 dollars more than the cheapest one available on ebay and 40 dollars cheaper than the Amazon official price (50 dollars cheaper if counted on the ebay bucks I earned). So this is s...